Sunday, July 17, 2011

Step by Step, How to Draw Faces - The First, Most Important Step to Take

How do you draw faces step by step?

Well, there's a little more to it than simply drawing. You may not realize it, but our brain's do a lot more to sabotage our drawing skills than most people think.

And not just by the annoying part of us that repeatedly tells us to give up either. In fact, this only happens because another part of our brain's stops us drawing what we see, and instead draws what the brain expects to see.

Don't believe me?

OK, think of the image of a head for a second.

Got it? I bet what you're seeing in your mind is just a general shape of a head, with a few normal features like eyes, a nose, ears and a mouth. Right?

Could you draw that face? Probably. Could you make it look realistic? Probably not.

And it's not because you can't draw, but because your brain hasn't filled in any details for that mental image you've got there. In face, your brain likes to assign general "shapes" and "symbols" to everything it sees.

And when we're trying to draw photorealistic faces...well, at best, it doesn't help. Usually though, it does a right number on us, and we end up drawing something....that's not really a face at all.

If you've tried drawing a face before, you probably know what I mean by that. Not good, is it?

Well, thankfully there is a way to get round this problem. And if you're learning how to draw faces step by step, then this is the first step you wanna take.

OK, grab a picture of someone. Don't draw it yet.

Turn it upside down. Now draw it.

Don't worry about how badly you think you're doing. No-one starts as a master, and everyone who gets into drawing needs to go through this same thing.

Thing is about drawing an upside down messes up our brain's way of symbolizing everything.

Suddenly, it has no idea what you're drawing, and you're free to draw what you actually see. It will seem very weird to draw an upside down face, but trust me, it will only help you become the amazing artist you've always wanted to be.

It will likely take you a while to get the upside down details of the face correct, even to get the upside down eyes, mouth and everything else there is on a human face right.

But of course, turning a picture upside down isn't gonna turn you into an expert artist all by itself.
It's just the first step remember, in the whole process of learning step by step, how to draw faces.

If you're serious about wanting to be able to draw faces and photorealistic portraits well, then I recommend you go and check out at the very least. Even if you do nothing else...

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