Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Learn how to draw good cartoons that are unique

Learn how to draw good cartoons may seem daunting but it is actually much easier than you think. One of the most important points to consider is the nature of a property. It must be credible as Unique! The cartoon is that they usually contain exaggerated features and often many of the details is excluded. However, it requires patience to master this art and time to develop your own style.

The. There is a strong demand for people who can attract good cartoons and it is a pleasant way to earn a lot of money.

It is obvious that you will need some equipment, this would include pens paper (of course!), markers, a gum and perhaps even of pencils. The first step is to start with a sketch loose to expose the figure of the character that you want to create. One of the tricks of good caricature is to divide the body of the cartoon in basic shapes such as circles, square, oval and cetera. Then after you have on the personality of the character you want to represent, to begin to fill in a little detail.

Think of the forms that you use, these will define some of the cartoon character, for example a comics hero, would be probably square, while a villain could be more triangular to appear threatening. Circles and ovals are more appropriate for a friendly global look; think how circular faces of Jon and Garfield are?

Once you have drawn in the outline of your cartoon, added functionality that you need and when you are satisfied with the result, you can fill in color and make the lines more dark ink or marker. Don't forget that the faces are often the crucial point that defines your cartoon character, if they are old and average in the eyes should be small, and if they are young and friendly to the eyes should be broad and rounded.

For help on How to draw cartoons just click here

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