Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So you want to learn how to draw cartoons?

It is not very complicated to learn how drawing of caricatures. In fact, you do not have to be an artist at all. Almost all people can learn how to do so. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.

You need to know only how to make a few basic forms. For example, if you make a circle, you can make a cat. Two circles, and two simple triangles can easily become a cartoon cat.

Start with a very simple basic shape and add to it. Make your simple animal cartoon database or the person. Then add the details to customize.

Of course we all realize that all people have the same basic form. Some are larger, some small, some short, some taller and so on. As a result, you will be just adjust simple shape of your departure.

You also may have noticed that many animals is similar in shape and size. Once you have decided on the size and shape of the body of basic, you can decide what animal you want to become. Using different details, you can choose to make a cow or a horse for example.

Remember, practice makes perfect. It's cartoons that we are talking here, really do not have to be perfect. However, the more you draw your characters, better they will become and more they will begin to take their own lives.

After you have created a character that you really like and want to preserve, create more characters. They resemble the other. If you want to give them more individuality, change the shape and color of hair, eye or the skin.

You will soon be on your way to ing drawyour own cartoons, or perhaps a series of cartoons.

For more information on How to draw cartoons just click here.

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